Citizenship Day 8

After reciting the Rotary Four Way Test, have students participate in the following exercise that focuses on the social skills relating to Citizenship.

Good or Bad Citizen

Materials Needed:

1 piece of white printer paper per student

Strips of paper (2 inches tall by 5 inches long)

A marker for each student


Hand out a white sheet of paper and two strips of paper to each student.  Have the students write one example of a bad citizen on one strip of paper and one example of a good citizen on the other strip of paper.  Collect all the strips of paper from the students.  Next, ask the students to fold their white piece of paper in half.  On one side of the paper, have the students write in big letters “Good Citizen” and on the other side of the paper have them write “Bad Citizen”.  Mix up the strips of paper and read them aloud one at a time to the class.  Have the students guess whether the example is of a bad citizen or a good citizen by holding up their paper and showing the appropriate side.

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