Citizenship Day 11

After reciting the Rotary Four Way Test, have students participate in the following exercise that focuses on the social skills relating to Citizenship.

Rights vs. Privileges


Explain the differences between "Right"s and "Privileges" to the students as it relates to the classroom and school:

Rights are things to which we have a just claim;

Privileges are rights granted as a peculiar benefit.

Divide the students into two groups.  One group should compile a list of things they believe should be Rights in the classroom.  Things like a quiet and positive learning environment.  The other group should compile a list of things they believe should be Privileges, and how being a good citizen can earn them.  Things like having the ability to quietly talk while students are working on assignments.  Discuss the groups lists and talk about the differences.


After the discussion, ask the following questions:

1. Did anything on the lists given surprise you?  Why?

2. Why is it important to know the difference between rights and privileges?

3. Does being a good citizen get you more privileges?  How about being a bad citizen?

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